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Concerns and Complaints
PE and Sports
OFSTED Reports
Performance Data
School Development Plan
Parent Pay
Special Education Needs
School Emergency Closure Procedures
Online Safety
Term Dates
Uniform M&S.jpg
Volunteers in School

What time does school start?


The school day starts at 8.45 am when the classroom doors are opened. Pupils are allowed on the school playground from 8.45am when staff are on duty. 

Breakfast Club runs from 8.00am.



What should my child do if they are late (after 8.45am)?


They should go to Reception and report their arrival to Mrs Revill. She will ensure the registers are updated and check

your child’s lunch arrangements.



What time does the school day end?


The school day finishes for at 3.15pm.

The children will be dismissed from their classroom door to you / your representative. This may take a few minutes so please be patient.



What if I am late collecting my child or would like to change the person expected to collect my child?


Please telephone or email the school if you are likely to be delayed or if you would like to change collection. We will let the child know to avoid them getting worried or concerned.

If your child has not been collected at the end of the day, school will telephone you and your child will be taken to Reception to be looked after. 



How much is a school lunch?


School lunches cost £2.35 per day for children in Years 3 - 6. KS1 all receive a free school lunch. It is important that payment is made using Parent Pay. You can also pay for a month / half term / whole term at one go. The school cannot accept cash payments for school lunches.



Where can I buy school uniform?


School uniform can be purchased online from Wovina – please see the uniform policy for details. We have a strict uniform policy that we expect all pupils to follow. 



What is Pupil Premium and might I be eligible?


Pupil premium is additional funding provided by the government for some pupils. Please ask at the Reception office if you think you might be eligible. Our school uses some of the money received to provide you and your child with a

budget that can be used to support their education. This can be to help with uniform, pay for trips and swimming, extra equipment etc. On the school website there is further information about pupil premium.



When can I talk to my child’s teacher?


We hold regular meetings with parents which give you the opportunity to find out about school and what your child is doing and learning. If you would like to see your child’s teacher or another member of staff e.g. SENDCo (Special

Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-cordinator) or the Headteacher please telephone or email the Reception office to make an appointment. 



What time do after school clubs finish?


These vary according to the club and a termly information email is sent out to all parents.


When will my child do swimming lessons?


All children from Y3-Y6 have swimming lessons. For further information, please ask Grace Revill in the office.



How will I know what events are planned?


The school issues a weekly newsletter on Friday. This will be emailed to you and also posted on the school website. There is a dates list which is kept updated. There is also a calendar on the school website.



Please check the school website regularly for news and updates.  If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please contact the school office on 01726 890405 and we will be happy to supply this free of charge.

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